At the Top Audio show in Milan last week Naim unveiled the latest member of its Uniti family, the Unitilite. This is a slimline version of the NaimUniti and features a CD player, streamer and 50 watt stereo amplifier in a series 5 case. It will sell for £1,650 in standard guise or £1,895 with an FM and DAB tuner onboard.
Naim MD Paul Stephenson explained that the Uniti products had attracted a lot of new customers looking for a high quality one box CD playing solution. But according to Naim’s feedback many of these people have subsequently discovered the potential of streaming and are now using it as their primary source. By adding a CD player and extra power to the UnitiQute package Naim hopes to bring more music lovers into the fold.
I had a brief demonstration of UnitiLite driving a pair of Naim S400 speakers, an unlikely combo in price terms perhaps but a rather effective one sonically. Of all the high end systems at the show it was one of only a few that made proper musical sense, and was undoubtedly the least expensive. Unitilite should be in the St Alban’s dem room before the end of October.
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