Yesterday I experienced the best analogue set up I have ever heard - bar none. The new Vertere turntables are just extraordinary and having smashed through the glass ceiling of analogue performance 30 years ago with the Xerxes, Touraj has taken it to a whole new level again with the RG1 & SG1Touraj's passion for his designs is infectious. Here he demonstrates the incredible tolerances of the RG 1 bearing - The design concepts behind the turntables are fascinating and the engineering can best be described as 'extreme'
The unique two piece platter, the different tuning of each piece combining to form a totally inert structure
The New SG 1 tonearm in its natural habitat. This is a giant killer and at £1750 the most incredible value.
The new SG 1 Motor Drive - the best news for all you Roksan Xerxes owners is that this is the biggest upgade you will ever make to your deck.
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