My Naim journey began at the age of fifteen nearly forty years ago when the Hifi bug bit. Then as schoolboy it was a "BUSH" separates system with Wharfdale Dovedales, and 'Beatles' & 'Stones' vinyl as de-rigeur. Never reaching the giddy heights of some salaries & with a blossoming young family I was introduced to NAIM by a work colleague (bachelor) who had an amazing NAIM setup feeding a pair of (small bungalow) speakers. A setup I could only dream about purchasing. Then over the years gradual changes piece by piece including an enforced CD player when my Thorens Player bit the dust, ending up with a 'CYRUS'. 'ARCAM' arrangement fed by 'MERIDIAN' 200 front end.
Common sense eventually arrived in 2006 when a thoughtful burglar removed my kit & the insurance provider re-introduced me to NAIM. From basic NAIT 5si to a full XS system, now including network player & 'Michell' Gyrodek / SME 3009 (my pride & joy). Now out of work & on a modest company pension upgrades are more difficult although I have managed an ex-demo 202, & am awaiting a NAP 200, currently on order. Apart from possible Power supply options I believe this will be the end of my hardware upgrades, and any future funds being devoted to software. My wife has been fully supportive over these years, but now I accept there is a life outside my listening room, and variety hopefully will be the spice in my life.
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