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Believe Everything You've Heard - Kudos Titan T88

They've taken a while to get here but trust me it was worth the wait - The Titans are just as incredible as everyone has been saying. Check this feedback to our first demo with them:-

"These sounded different - it was clear straight away. I wasn’t consciously analysing the sound - I was enjoying it and didn’t want to stop listening. There was a sense of engagement with the music - a sense of profound engagement. Not just goosebumps, I actually felt overwhelmed and, frankly, I was glad that there was no-one there to see me dabbing at my eyes. Over the last two years, I’ve spent hours at different dealers listening to speakers from all the major manufacturers. These were different. How much of it was due to system synergy (only about half of the other speaker auditions had been fronted with Naim), how much was due to the speaker-room interactions, how much was down to my mood on the day – I have no idea - but whatever the explanation, it was a remarkable experience."

Views: 3143

Comment by Gavin Wilson on July 21, 2013 at 22:08

James, you know I've done most of the shows, enjoyed lots of great sounds, with never a thought of moving away from my S400s - however, there's something about the Titans on the end of a big naim system. I've heard them a couple of times at shows in fairly small rooms, not unlike my living room, and they seem to work. I have an itch and at some point I will need to give it a scratch. They may be a disaster in my room but from what I've heard they *could* just get me within sight of audio nirvana. A trial might be in order in the next few months, but I think I would need a hand with those beasts!


Comment by Tom Tom Audio on July 22, 2013 at 15:08

Hi Gavin, trust me it would be an absolute delight to come and demo these to you, the response we are getting just makes them such a pleasure to share with people. For a large loudspeaker they don't seem at all fussy about the size of the room and visually do not dominate. In a brilliant piece of practical design each speaker comes in two pieces so they are a doddle to move and install.



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