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Hi All ! I am currently teetering on moving away from my Loyal LP12 + Linn Kan + 42.5/140 set-up which I have enjoyed for quite some time now. My boxes are being service by Naim at the moment and on their return I will be auditioning Kef LS50 for mylsef, possible going to purchase as I have heard so much about them ...however, my ears may be different than others, let's wait and see. In addition to a speaker change (this WILL happen), can anyone offer any comments/experiences on this choice or alternatives in the region of £800 ?

What about stands for LS50's ? Any ideas.

Finally, it has been suggested that following the service to my boxes I consider getting a 'chrome Bumper' Hi-Cap. This may be a step too far but if the right piece of kit is out there I may just stretch this far but must have Naim certification and at a reasonable price. Are there any left out their ? What experiences has anyone had along this or similar route ?

Be grateful for any feedback but budget is the constraint. Cheers

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