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another good review form the past - BTW, when from, I wonder? to my best knowledge the 42/110 combo was based on the lil' Nait (1) though, this time, in a 2-box package - am I right, I wonder?

Wrong I am afraid.  The 42/110 came out well before the NAIT

The 42/110 is surely one of audio's best value amplifier systems for the last 40 years, and  is one of the special breed of amps that  makes music sound so enthralling through my Linn Tukans. Way more powerful than the original Nait which I once owned, so no comparison. If you can find one on the second hand market for less than $1000, grab it with both hands. Your enjoyment of music is guaranteed, if your taste is like mine. Rock and roll and Jazz have never sounded better.



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